Friday, March 9, 2007

New York Times (NY): San Franscisco is poised for some 22,000 Christian teens attending a BattleCry rally on the front steps of City Hall. According to BattleCry's website, this rally and others like it were organized in response to a crisis: "A stealthy enemy has infiltrated our country and is preying upon the hearts and minds of 33 million American teens. Corporations, media conglomerates, and purveyors of popular culture have spent billions to seduce and enslave our youth. So far, the enemy is winning. But there is plenty we can do. We need to take action. We need to answer the Battle Cry." A counter protest has been organized to speak out against the organizations anti-choice, anti-gay agenda. A local paper warns that "BattleCry indoctrinates teens against the evils of secular music, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, disobedience to authority." Politically, the group advocates for a theocracy based on a "literalist interpretation of the Christian Bible replacing the secular rule of law in every sphere of life."

The South End Newspaper (MI): Wayne State University's Society of Agnostics, Non believers and the Enlightened (SANE) displayed biblical passages around the university that implied God might hate women. Such quotes included Genesis 3:16 and Deuteronomy 5:21, which the group translates as: "Women are possessions of men, just like his house or his ox."

Church Executive Magazine (AZ): Church leaders debate the value of Rick Warren's popular model "The Purpose Driven Life," which has been accused of having more connection to the self-help genre than the Bible. Warren explained to ABC's Nightline: "When you're preaching and teaching the good news, you walk a very fine line where you're taking the world of the Bible and the world of today, and you're building a bridge between those [worlds]. Now, it's easy to be biblical if you don't care about being relevant … And it's easy to be relevant if you don't care about being biblical. I happen to want to be both." See full Nightline video here.

Hopkinton Crier (MA): The Bible is full of enduring stories of family dynamics.

Reuters: Investigators are searching for a suspect in Chicago who has mailed threats to U.S. financial houses since 2005. The perpetrator mentioned the figure $6.66, the Biblical sign of the beast, in some of the letters.

People's Daily Online
(China): As communist China grapples with how to approach religion, they may come to view religion as King David might advise: "A lamp at my feet."

US News: Another interview with Stephen Prothero about America's religious illiteracy and the need for Bible and world religion courses in public schools.

Sun Sentinel (FL): Talmud, the musical, comes to Houston to promote a deeper understanding of Judaism.

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