Epoch Times (NY): A photographer depicts his view of modern Israeli life by re-imagining biblical scenes. The photo to the left is a piece entitled "Abraham and Isaac."
Inspire Magazine (UK):
Another weight loss program based on "biblical principles." See also:
Weigh Down.
Earthtimes.org: William C. Berry's new book, "Religion: A Help or Hindrance to Salvation?" outlines the foundations of the major religions using the Bible for context.
Rutland Herald (VT): A Vermont resident continues his legal battle to put a biblical reference on his vanity license plate. Shawn Byrne applied to put "JN36TN" on his license plate, a reference to John 3:16, two years ago but was turned down by the Department of Motor Vehicles. The DMV has a policy forbidding the expression of religious viewpoints on vanity plates but Byrne contends that "JN36TN" represents merely a "biblical passage."
Dayton Daily News (OH): Headline: "CCSU gets biblical in interest to beat top-ranked OSU." Biblical here means that the players from Central Connecticut State University see themselves as David battling Goliath.
Vancouver Sun (CANADA): For $25 visitors to Israel's Bet Guvrin National Park can take an "excavation vacation"--helping archealogists dig through dirt and wash shards of pottery. According to Ian Stern, director of Archeology Seminary, about 30,000 to 50,000 people pay to do the dig each year, raising about US$1 million.
Journal Chretien (FRANCE): Founder of Christians' Israel Political Action Campaign (CIPAC), Dick Hellman, asserts: "We take the message that support for Israel is not just a biblical imperative but very good for America, for our security and for our success in the war on terror." The lobbying group works daily on Capital Hill to further this message.
ClickPress (UK): To coincide with the launching of the website
womeninbible.com, for a limited time GIL Publications is offering the new book "101 Women in the Bible" for free. The book features "biblical lessons straight from the Bible on womanhood, motherhood, Godly wives, church and beauty."
In-Forum (ND): In response to a letter that claimed that women in the Bible are treated like chattel, this writer wants to clarify some points. "First of all, true biblical Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with the Creator of the universe, the one true and living God." And, "The Bible is meant to be read as a whole, in context, and taken literally from cover to cover." (Subscription)
Nashua Telegraph (NH):"In his fourth collection of poetry, Jeff Friedman of West Lebanon and New England College, where he teaches in the MFA program, returns to themes of family, loss, love, the potency of memory, and – for good measure – how the stories and characters of the Bible reflect our lives and inform us." (Subscription)
As the fat rabbi out front
of Shaare Emeth says a prayer
to his black Cadillac, parked in a
no parking zone,
as the old ladies totter toward
the mahjong tables at Golden Fry,
I peek through my folded hands
in the temple, and serpents hiss
and go to war on the cement floor,
and the frogs teem on the tables, and
locusts swarm the foliage
until everything is bare as the white
tablecloth on which the bread is cut,
and the rabbi beats his drum
and the gowns of the singers drop
to the floor, and red wine
overflows the silver cups
as the Egyptian Bride unwraps
her layers of silk, as I taste
the crumbs of honey cake
on Sally Abrams’ warm lips . . .
-From "Sunday School: The Plagues"