Tuesday, January 30, 2007

  • WDC Media News (CA): Christians should not be concerned with whether or not God wants them to be lead a prosperous or austere life, but should focus on the message of Jeremiah 17:10 which has "the final and consummate answer to the whole matter."

  • Los Angels Times (CA): A couple is banking that when the Bible said "Ask and you shall receive," it meant God was giving away Super Bowl tickets.

  • Metro (NY): The pastor of Revolution, a Bible study that meets at a bar and has been the subject of a Sundance documentary entitled "One Punk Under God," speaks about his ministry and his critics.

  • AllAfrica.com (Washington): The Cameroonian Association for Bible Translation and Literacy is seeking government support to expand its efforts to translate the Bible into native African languages because, it argues, there work is needed to preserve identity.

  • Virtue Online (PA): Adult Christians need to study the Bible since "it can only be accurately interpreted in light of its original context, audience and language".

  • Amandala Online (Belize): According to the Bible, God gives government the authority to punish crime since the root of crime is sin. However, only the coming of Jesus can eradicate sin completely so it is not the government's job to attempt to do so.

  • Hutchington Leader (MN): America is becoming vulnerable to the influence of Qur'an and thus in danger of loosing its freedoms.

  • Journal Chretien (France): New Zealanders can tune into the radio and hear the Bible anytime, day or night.

  • Capitalism Magazine (Bahamas): Children are better off learning about virtues from Harry Potter than the fairy tales of the Bible.

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